Jeep Tour through Paiva Valley
Jeep Tour through the Paiva Valley
- Photos
- 3 hours
- Min. 2 People
- All Year
Jeep Tour through the Paiva Valley
Jeep route of at least 60 km through the Paiva Valley, taking you as close as possible to the main points of interest of the famous Passadiços do Paiva (geological fault of Espiunca, Gola do Salto, Praia Fluvial do Vau and Garganta do Paiva) and the largest suspended pedestrian bridge in the world, 516 Arouca, where you can contemplate the geosite of Cascata das Aguieiras. Get to know and understand one of the most relevant geological phenomena of the Arouca Geopark, through a visit to the Museum of the Giant Trilobites of Canelas. Finally, visit an Aldeia de Portugal, the village of Paradinha.In this tour, we propose you a real “trip” in time and in the surrounding landscape. Our local guides, with adequate training, will make you understand the environment that surrounds you in terms of Biodiversity, Geological Phenomena, Archeology, Historical-Cultural aspects and White Water.As your comfort is important to us, our guided visit to Passadiços do Paiva includes a picnic with local products, water, juices and a hot drink on the coldest days.

Guia Profissional
Guia intérprete em Português ou Inglês
Passeio TT
Transporte em Jeep 4x4
Bilhetes incluídos
Bilhetes para entrada no Museu das Trilobites - Centro de Interpretação Geológica de Canelas;
Reportagem Fotográfica
Inclui reportagem fotográfica ao longo do walking tour.
Seguro de Acidentes Pessoais.
Oferta de água e petiscos locais.
From 25€
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